Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Comments on Safer Arizona July 20, 2018 Meeting

I suspect Safer Arizona will sell out to the Arizona Legal Medical Marijuana Cartel

z_98800.php created July 24, 2018

Source Also see: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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I should be able to use this video to nail Tom Dean

At the meeting Safer Arizona seems to say they will either take two courses of action

a) they are going to demand that JP Holyoak, Demitri Downing, the ADA (Arizona Dispensary Association), AMMA (Arizona Medical Marijuana Association) and the folks with the medical marijuana cartel write an initiative that doesn't have any felonies in it. And gives them grow rights and other stuff.

If JP Holyoak, Demitri Downing and the other folks in the $100+ million dollar medical marijuana cartel agree to their demands they will then help push the 2020 initiative for the medical marijuana cartel.

According to Demitri Downing who was at the meeting, they already have an initiative written.

I suspect the next Demitri Downing initiative will be a lot like the evil Prop 205, initiative which was written last time by MPP and many of the same members that wrote this initiative.

I suspect it will give the current medical marijuana cartel a second monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana.

I suspect it will also use felony charges to jail anybody that cuts into the profits of the new recreational marijuana cartel.

And I suspect it will severely limit the number or recreational marijuana stores.

And of course I wonder it marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean helped write that initiative?

b) if the $100+ million medical marijuana cartel doesn't concede to the demands of Safer Arizona and Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski they will write their own initiative.

based on the comments of Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski and Tom Dean it seems that new initiative will be much more restrictive then the current Safer Arizona initiative that I helped write.

I suspect it will severely limit the number of businesses that are allowed to grow or sell recreational marijuana.

I suspect it will severely limit the amount of marijuana people will be allowed to grow.

I don't think Tom Dean will write an initiative that completely legalizes marijuana. Tom Dean doesn't seem to want an initiative that completely legalizes marijuana because it will put him out of a job.

c) while this option wasn't given by Safer Arizona I suspect that this is what will happen.

The legal medical marijuana cartel will not concede to the demands of Safer Arizona. And Safer Arizona will help them push their initiative anyway.

I suspect this option will allow marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean to work with the new legal recreational marijuana cartel.

I suspect this option will allow Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski to also work for the new legal recreational cartel.

What will happen?

Last time around AZFRM or Arizonans for Mindful Regulation tried to negotiate with the legal medical medical marijuana cartel and they failed.

The legal medical medical marijuana cartel jerked AZFRM around that is what caused them to write their own initiative.

So I suspect that the Safer Arizona option "a" will not happen.

The legal medical marijuana cartel will jerk Safer Arizona and Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski around just like they jerked AZFMR around.

The legal medical marijuana cartel isn't a bunch of hippie stoners who sit around smoking dope all day and going "wow, let's smoke another joint". They are some very smart businessmen who run a $100+ million business that is very profitable.

They are going to use the same tactics that they used to create Prop 203, which gave them this $100+ million business.

I think they spent something like $3 million last time around trying to push Prop 205 thru.

I suspect they will spend at least $6 million trying to push the 2020 initiative thru. And I suspect they will get it on the ballot, like they got Prop 205 on the ballot. And I suspect there is a good chance it will pass.

So will Safer Arizona do option "b" or "c"?

I'm not quite sure. I suspect Tom Dean and Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski will prefer option C.

It's more money in it for both of them.

I suspect Tom Dean doesn't want marijuana to be legalize because it will put his law firm out of business.

I also suspect that Tom Dean is the main person driving the path of Safer Arizona and that Tom Dean will do the best to get Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski to do option "c".

I know some of the Tucson folks thought they were in deep sh*t when they found out Demitri Downing was invited to the Safer Arizona planning meetings.

I'm sure when they find out that Demitri Downing attended this Safer Arizona meeting for planning the 2020 initiative they will also realize that they are in deep sh*t and that Safer Arizona is probably going to sell out to the legal medical marijuana cartel - again

At this meeting Tom Dean again bragged that he would help Safer Arizona write an initiative thaw would put him out of a job as a criminal defense attorney.

I heard that song and dance before and don't believe a word of it.

Marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean gave us that song and dance in a long spiel when he first spoke to Safer Arizona.

The version he gave us was a lot longer.

Back then I was dumb enough to believe him.

This time I didn't believe a word of it.

When I was at Safer Arizona, me, Dave and Alex wrote and initiative that completely legalized marijuana with 3 exception and would have put Tom Dean out of business.

Instead of going with our initiative, Tom Dean hacked it up and removed a good chunk of the protections we put in for the marijuana community.

Tom Dean put in lots of garbage that would help marijuana criminal defense attorneys like himself, and put in lots of garbage that would help his buddies in the legal medical marijuana cartel, become players in the legal recreational marijuana cartel.

And of course I was kicked off of the Safer Arizona board of directors for complaining that Tom Dean was turning the Safer Arizona initiative into a mini-version of the evil Prop 205.

Because of my lawsuit I know that Tom Dean does work for the legal medical marijuana cartel. He admitted it in a response he filed to my lawsuit.

So I wonder if Tom Dean helped write Prop 205.

At this meeting the AZFRM folks pointed out they paid Tom Dean to help them write parts of the AZFMR initiative.

I wonder if Tom Dean helped write Prop 203?

I also wonder if Tom Dean helped write the current initiative which Demitri Downing says the medical marijuana cartel will file for the 2020 election?

At the meeting Michelle Mushee Westinfield behaved like a complete *sshole.

When I came in she started yelling and screaming at me, complaining that I sued her.

I told her something like if she didn't slander people she wouldn't have to worry about being sued.

I should have also said something like, that if she didn't violate her fiduciary responsibilities of being president of PCC or the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition that she wouldn't have to be sued either. But I didn't.

I was kind of happy because one of the AZFRM guys made a comment about my RAD initiative being short and to the point. I don't know his name. I know it wasn't Jason Madar or Jason Hein. I think it was their leader. Or perhaps it was Jason Hein, without a hair cut.

Here is the RAD marijuana initiave:



100% complete re-legalization of marijuana

1. The government shall recognize that marijuana abuse is NOT a criminal problem but a medical problem.

2. The government shall NOT tax, regulate, or pass any laws governing the use of marijuana.

3. The government shall NOT assist any other government entities, such as Federal, foreign, world, Native American or state governments in enforcing any laws against marijuana.

4. The government shall NOT pass any regulations discriminating against people or entities that use use marijuana.

5. For this initiative the word marijuana refers to any form of marijuana, cannabis or hemp and includes concentrated forms such as hashish, hash oil, wax and shatter. This includes any form of marijuana used for recreational use, religious use, medical use, commercial use, industrialist use or other use. This includes all parts of any plant of the genus cannabis, whether growing or not, the seeds of such plant, the resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus cannabis; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol. This includes all paraphernalia for marijuana use, such as but not limited to pipes, bongs, cigarette papers or dabbing tools.

6. Any person convicted of any marijuana offense in the past shall automatically have their criminal record cleared for those charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those charges.

7. Any person arrested for any marijuana offense in the past who accepted a plea bargain for reduced charges shall automatically have their criminal record cleared for those reduced charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those reduced charges.

8. [Deleted]

9. Any government employee, agent, elected official, judge, police officer or prosecutor that arrests a person, passes a law or issues a ruling, guideline or edict that that interferes with a person's marijuana use shall be personally and civilly liable to each person for each incident for a minimum of $1 million in damages or 10 times the actual amount of damages whichever is greater. There shall be no immunity to a person who claims to be "acting in good faith" or for any other reason.

10. All government courts shall accept cases involving marijuana use, and decide the case based on the oral, written, or other contracts of the parties involved. Courts may not refuse cases by saying that marijuana is illegal under Federal law, international law, or other laws.

11. The use of marijuana is defined as, but not limited to using, smoking, vaping, eating, consuming, drinking, snorting, transdermal delivery, injecting, sale, transfer, growth, cultivating, manufacture, processing, cooking, production, storage, possession, giving legal advice, transportation, or importation of marijuana.

At the meeting Michelle Mushee Westinfield also whined and complained about marijuana patients rights. I think she was telling Tom Dean that we need to protect marijuana patients rights.

I agree with that 100%. That's why I wrote the RAD initiative.

Sadly Michelle Mushee Westinfield didn't seem to remember that the RAD or the Relegalize All Drugs marijuana initiative protect patients rights completely. Hell the RAD initiative protects all marijuana users rights 100% with these two lines:

2. The government shall NOT tax, regulate, or pass any laws governing the use of marijuana.


4. The government shall NOT pass any regulations discriminating against people or entities that use use marijuana.

Of course Michelle Mushee Westinfield didn't mention that she allowed Tom Dean to water down and remove many of those rights that me, Alex and Dave put in the Safer Arizona initiative.

Nor did Michelle Mushee Westinfield mention that she kicked me off of the Safer Arizona board of directors for complaining that Tom Dean was watering down the rights for marijuana uses and turning the Safer Arizona initiative into a mini-version or Prop 205.

If you ask me Michelle Mushee Westinfield spends too much time hating people and not enough time worrying about legalizing marijuana. Just my opinion.

And sure this is a different subject, but Michelle Mushee Westinfield didn't mention that as President of PCC or the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition she held a little kangaroo court, which I wasn't even invited to and kicked me off of the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition board of directors.

And since then I have been kicked off of the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition Facebook page. I don't know if Michelle Mushee Westinfield was responsible for kicking me off, or if it was one of the other haters on the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition board of directors.

Again if you ask me Michelle Mushee Westinfield spends too much time spreading hate and not enough time worrying abut legalizing marijuana. Again, just my opinion.


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