Homeless in Arizona

November 2018


Some articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona

Here is the very first article on legalizing marijuana.

Here are some articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona.

And here are some more articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona.

And here are even some more articles on legalizing marijuana in Arizona.

5 Unconditional Demands On Legalizing Marijuana

Here is a list of 5 unconditional demands we need to make in any petition that attempts to legalize marijuana in Arizona.

Facebook Test Area

I used this url which is facebook.html to make test images for my facebook web pages.

Falsely Arrested by Chandler Police - Friday, October 17, 2014 7:50 am to 8:10 am

Here is the UTube video which I uploaded about my false arrest in Chandler this morning between about 7:50 am and 8:10 am.
Here are the key words which I put as tags on the video:
Falsely arrested by 4 Chandler, Arizona Police Officers on Friday, October 17, 2014 - Two of the piggies were Ariel Werther #649 and Joshua Cohen #629. The other two pigs refused to give me their name or their card. I was falsely arrested about 7:50 am to 8:10 am
Two of the cops that falsely arrersted me gave me their business cards. They are:
Ariel Werther badge number 649
Joshua Cohen badge number 629.
I will put more on that false arrest by the Chandler Police Department on this link.

Chandler Police Officer Ariel Werther 
                      falsely arrested me on October 17, 2014
                      violated my civil rights - badge number 649 #649

Arizona DUI implied consent law WAS NOT RULED unconstitutional

Sorry I was wrong on this. Arizona's implied consent DUI law was NOT ruled unconstitutional.

What happened was the court ruled the cops can NOT force you to take a blood, breath or urine test.

But they can still suspend your drivers license if you refuse to take the test.

This is WRONG.

Here is an article which says that Arizona's implied consent DUI law is unconstitutional.

No DUI charges for marijuana metabolites in Arizona

When Prop 203 which is Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act was written it specificly says that medical marijuana patients can not be arrested for DUI because they have marijuana metabolites in their body.

Despite the fact that Prop 203 specicaly says a medical marijuana patient can't be arrested for DUI because they have marijuana metabolites in their body, the police not wanting to end the "War on Drugs", which is really a "jobs program for cops" have continued to arrest medical marijuana patients for DUI when there is no evidence whatsoever that they are driving stoned, solely because they have marijuana metabolites in their body.

According to this article the Arizona Supreme Court says those arrestes are unconstitutional and that the police must stop arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI simply because they have marijuana metabolites in their bodies. finish the blog http://arizona-concealed-carry.tripod.com/prop_203_welfare_marijuana.html 2) do blog on how we suspect Andrew M**** reported rain & john 3) do this on the article about surveys check out this book and no it's not about marijuana!!!!! the weed agency by jim geraghty a funnynovel about a fiction out of control federal bureaucracy which you guessed it controls weeds for the federal govenrment last this is from the napkin of notes with stuff to do i have stuff in my laptop 0) kathy is on ernies show!!!!! ---- DONE 1) post unconditional & no compromise demands on legalizing marijuana to facebook 2) email rules to norml leaders & friends (mike) 3) write up david dorn stuff and email to AI 4) finish stuff on surveys, andrew myers & arizona govenror stuff


More on that Phoenix marijuana tax

Phoenix Mayor Thelda Williams paid Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona to create medical marijuana tax.

  Hmmm according to this article Phoenix Mayor Thelda Williams paid the Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona to create that outrageous medical marijuana tax.

The tax would have been $280 a square foot for businesses that sell medical marijuana. It would have been $50 a square foot for businesses that grow medical marijuana.


A blurb about Deb Stairs and the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition on Facebook

  Some comments on Deb Stairs and Arizona Jane . Deb Stairs and Arizona Jane .

Deb Stairs and Arizona Jane .

Hmmm Deb Stairs and John Smithfield.

Hmmm Arizona Jane and John Smithfield.

Did Deb Stairs lie about not being in Did PCC or Phoenix Cannabis Coalition?

Did Arizona Jane lie about not being in Did PCC or Phoenix Cannabis Coalition?


A blurb about Arizona Jane and the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition on Facebook

  Some comments on Deb Stairs and Arizona Jane . Deb Stairs and Arizona Jane .

Deb Stairs and Arizona Jane .

Hmmm Deb Stairs and John Smithfield.

Hmmm Arizona Jane and John Smithfield.

Did Deb Stairs lie about not being in Did PCC or Phoenix Cannabis Coalition?

Did Arizona Jane lie about not being in Did PCC or Phoenix Cannabis Coalition?


Tom Dean and the 25 mile limit

  Here is an interesting blurb on marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean and the evil 25 mile limit.

Anybody remember the history marijuana criminal defense lawyer Tom Dean gave us on the "25 mile limit" in Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act or Prop 203?

Here is an interesting blurb on marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean and the evil 25 mile limit.

Anybody remember the history marijuana criminal defense lawyer Tom Dean gave us on the "25 mile limit" in Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act or Prop 203?


Framed by the Arizona DPS - Bob Corbin and Steve Twist? Oh my!!!

Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery sounds like a drug war nut job

  Here is an interesting article that goes way back and talks about Univac 1100 computers, databases, FORTRAN, organized crime, land fraud, Ned Warren, Dr. James Johnson, Dr. Jim Johnson, Dr. Johnson, Doctor James Johnson, Doctor Jim Johnson, Doctor Johnson, Jim Johnson, James Johnson, Steve Twist, Assistant Attorney General Steve Twist, Bob Corbin, Robert Corbin, Attorney General Bob Corbin, Attorney General Robert Corbin, Arizona DPS, Arizona Department of Public Safety, crooked cops, Arizona House Task Force on Organized Crime, Arizona State University, ASU, computer programmer, Goldwater Institute, capital punishment, death penalty, Arizona House, House Task Force on Organized Crime, Maricopa County Attorney, Arizona Attorney General, Arizona Attorny General, the Goldwater Institute and nut job Bill Montgomery.

Notice: Undefined variable: final_image_title in /home/www/homelessintempe.100webspace.net/a9969_part_8.php on line 188
alt="Steve Twist - Dr. James Johnson, or Dr Jim Johnson an ASU professor who taught statistics in the Sociology Department discovered that I had been framed by the Arizona Department of Public Safety or the Arizona DPS. When he told both Assistant Arizona Attorney General Steve Twist, his boss, and Arizona Attorney Bob Corbin or Robert Corbin, they both did nothing. Dr James Johnson ran the computer division of the Arizona House Task Force on Organized Crime, which I wrote all the software for. It was used to investigate land fraud in Arizona, which revolved around Ned Warren who as called the Godfather of land fraud in Arizona. - a9969.html" >
Notice: Undefined variable: final_image_title in /home/www/homelessintempe.100webspace.net/a9969_part_8.php on line 191
alt="Robert Corbin - Bob Corbin - NRA - National Rifle Association - Dr. James Johnson, or Dr Jim Johnson an ASU professor who taught statistics in the Sociology Department discovered that I had been framed by the Arizona Department of Public Safety or the Arizona DPS. When he told both Assistant Arizona Attorney General Steve Twist, his boss, and Arizona Attorney Bob Corbin or Robert Corbin, they both did nothing. Dr James Johnson ran the computer division of the Arizona House Task Force on Organized Crime, which I wrote all the software for. It was used to investigate land fraud in Arizona, which revolved around Ned Warren who as called the Godfather of land fraud in Arizona. - a9969.html" >
Assistant Arizona
Attorney General
Steve Twist
Attorney General
Bob Corbin

Notice: Undefined variable: final_image_title in /home/www/homelessintempe.100webspace.net/a9969_part_8.php on line 225
alt="Steve Twist - Dr. James Johnson, or Dr Jim Johnson an ASU professor who taught statistics in the Sociology Department discovered that I had been framed by the Arizona Department of Public Safety or the Arizona DPS. When he told both Assistant Arizona Attorney General Steve Twist, his boss, and Arizona Attorney Bob Corbin or Robert Corbin, they both did nothing. Dr James Johnson ran the computer division of the Arizona House Task Force on Organized Crime, which I wrote all the software for. It was used to investigate land fraud in Arizona, which revolved around Ned Warren who as called the Godfather of land fraud in Arizona. - a9969.html" >
Notice: Undefined variable: final_image_title in /home/www/homelessintempe.100webspace.net/a9969_part_8.php on line 228
alt="Robert Corbin - Bob Corbin - NRA - National Rifle Association - Dr. James Johnson, or Dr Jim Johnson an ASU professor who taught statistics in the Sociology Department discovered that I had been framed by the Arizona Department of Public Safety or the Arizona DPS. When he told both Assistant Arizona Attorney General Steve Twist, his boss, and Arizona Attorney Bob Corbin or Robert Corbin, they both did nothing. Dr James Johnson ran the computer division of the Arizona House Task Force on Organized Crime, which I wrote all the software for. It was used to investigate land fraud in Arizona, which revolved around Ned Warren who as called the Godfather of land fraud in Arizona. - a9969.html" >
Notice: Undefined variable: final_image_title in /home/www/homelessintempe.100webspace.net/a9969_part_8.php on line 233
alt="Robert Corbin - Bob Corbin - NRA - National Rifle Association - Dr. James Johnson, or Dr Jim Johnson an ASU professor who taught statistics in the Sociology Department discovered that I had been framed by the Arizona Department of Public Safety or the Arizona DPS. When he told both Assistant Arizona Attorney General Steve Twist, his boss, and Arizona Attorney Bob Corbin or Robert Corbin, they both did nothing. Dr James Johnson ran the computer division of the Arizona House Task Force on Organized Crime, which I wrote all the software for. It was used to investigate land fraud in Arizona, which revolved around Ned Warren who as called the Godfather of land fraud in Arizona. - a9969.html" width="114" height="165" >
Assistant Arizona
Attorney General
Steve Twist
Attorney General
Bob Corbin
Attorney General
Bob Corbin


Clint Bolick, founder of the IJ supports police state thug Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery


I used to think that Clint Bolick, the founder of the IJ or Institute for Justice was a good guy.

But anybody that supports police state thug Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is NOT a good guy.

Notice: Undefined variable: final_image_title in /home/www/homelessintempe.100webspace.net/a9969_part_8.php on line 287
alt="Clint Bolick - Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick - IJ Founder Clint Bolick - Institute for Justice Founder Clint Bolick - Clint Bolick supports police state thug and Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery - Arizona Governor Doug Ducey - Libertarian Clint Bolick - a9969.html" >
Arizona Supreme
Court Judge
Clint Bolick

6 Little Know Facts About The Bill of Rights

Interesting facts about the Bill of Rights


Some Interesting facts about the Bill of Rights


July 1, 2014 Phoenix NORML Meeting

Billy Hayes videotapes Andrew Myers at Arizona NORML Meeting

Here is a video that Billy Hayes shot of the Phoenix NORML July 1, 2014 meeting.

Or was that the July 2014 Arizona NORML meeting.

In the meeting Andrew Myers said that medical marijuana prices would stabilize at $200 an ounce.

Andrew Myers was the person who wrote Arizona's Prop 203 which legalized medical marijuana for the third time in Arizona.

Actually I think Andrew Myers ran the team that wrote Prop 203.

Andrew Myers is pretty well hated in Arizona because Prop 203 gave the shaft to Arizona medical marijuana users.

The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act only allows you to grow medical marijuana if you live 25 miles or more from the nearest medical marijuana dispensary.

Medical marijuana in Arizona sells for $300+ an ounce in Arizona, while black market marijuana can be purchases for $50 to $100 an ounce.

Don't confuse Andrew Myers with Demetri Downing.

Demetri Downing, Demetri Downing or whatever his name is wrote Prop 205, which was a law that tried to give the 80 or so medical marijuana dispensaries a monopoly on growing recreational marijuana in Arizona.

Prop 205 went down in flames when it was rejected by Arizona voters.

Demetri Downing is out of Tucson and I think his family owns something like six Arizona medical marijuana dispensaries.

I think both of them are connect to MPP or the Marijuana Policy Project.

Hemp for Victory

US Government propaganda film, 1942

  Hemp for Victory

US Government propaganda film, 1942


SmokeScreen Productions at The Mike Wise Show.

April 19 at 11:52am · Denver, CO ·


HEMP FOR VICTORY was made to encourage farmers to grow hemp for the war effort because other industrial fibers, often imported from overseas, were in short supply. The film shows a history of hemp and hemp products, how hemp is grown, and how hemp is processed into rope, cloth, cordage, and other products.

Before 1989, the film was relatively unknown. The United States government denied ever having made such a film. The United States Department of Agriculture library and the Library of Congress told all interested parties that no such movie was made by the USDA or any branch of the US government. Two VHS copies were recovered and donated to the Library of Congress on 19 May 1989 by Maria Farrow, Carl Packard, and Jack Herer.

The only known copy in 1976 was a 3/4" broadcast quality copy of the film that was originally obtained by William Conde in 1976 from a reporter for the Miami Herald and the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church of Jamaica. It was given in trust that it would be made available to as many as possible. It was put into the hands of Jack Herer by William Conde during the 1984 OMI (Oregon Marijuana Initiative).

In July 1989, Jack Herer together with Chris Wright, of the Grassroots Party, attempted to obtain a copy from the National Archives where it was listed, but the curators were unable to locate the film. Subsequently, in May 1990, the founder of The Institute for Hemp, J.T. Birrenbach, recovered a copy of the film from the National Archives. The film was a two part film the first section being 6:46 the second being 7:16 long. Together the approx 15 minute film detailed the cultivation of Cannabis for fiber. This was the first recovery of the film from a government source. This film can now be downloaded from the National Archives.

From what I have read they re-legalized marijuana for WWII.

Marijuana was made illegal shortly before WWII in 1937, with the "1937 Marihuana Tax Act".

When World War II came along they relegalized marijuana because it's great for making rope and canvas.

I have just read that, I have never seen the actual law.

But the fact that this movie exists, gives a good indication that marijuana was probably re-legalized for WWII.

Marc Victor's law firms

Victor & Hall

Marc J Victor P.C.

Attorney for Freedom

'Marc Victor', 'Marc J Victor',  'Victor & Hall', 'Attorney for Freedom', 
          'Libertarian Lawyer', 'Marc Victor PC', 'Marc J Victor PC', 'Marc Victor P.C.', 
          'Marc J Victor P.C.', 'Libertarian attorney', Libertarian, attorney, certified criminal defense attorney Sadly I was dumb enough to use the services of Marc Victor's legal firm, not once, but twice.

I hope that I can prevent you from making the same mistake I did.

When it comes to talk Marc Victor's law firm is fantastic when it comes to shoveling the talk. Marc Victor loves to tell you his law firm is a freedom fighting Libertarian law firm.

'Mike Wasdin', 'Marc J Victor', 'Mark J Victor', 'Marc Victor law firm', 'Marc Victor attorney', 'Marc Victor lawyer', libertarian lawyer, libertarian attorney, marc victor libertarian lawyer, marc victor libertarian attorney, 'marc victor's law firm owes me $3000' Of course in my two cases I had with Marc Victor's law firm, I found his law firm was fantastic at shoveling the talk, bt didn't deliver the results they promised.

Both of my cases were with Marc Victor's old legal firm

Victor & Hall.
I have also had one bad experience with Marc Victor's new law firm
Marc J Victor P.C.


Attorney for Freedom

In Marc Victor's old firm I dealt with both Marc Victor himself and Marc Victor's old partner Mark Hall.

And of course I wouldn't recommend either of them to anybody.

Unless you base your results on talk. In that case both Marc Victor and Mark Hall delivered fantastic results.

'Marc J Victor', 'Mark J Victor', 'Marc Victor law firm', 'Marc Victor attorney', 'Marc Victor lawyer', libertarian lawyer, libertarian attorney, marc victor libertarian lawyer, marc victor libertarian attorney, 'marc victor's law firm owes me $3000'

Photos of Mike Wasdin and Marc J Victor  'Mike Wasdin', 
                    'Marc J Victor', 
                    'Mark J Victor', 
                    'Marc Victor law firm', 
                    'Marc Victor attorney', 
                    'Marc Victor lawyer', 
                    'libertarian lawyer', 
                    'libertarian attorney', 
                    'marc victor libertarian lawyer', 
                    'marc victor libertarian attorney',
                    'attorney for freedom', 
                    'lawyer for freedom', 
                    'marc victor's law firm owes me $3000'


grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab thograb tgrab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email hose articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email rticles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email grab those articles on Marc Victor and email them out - the ones I didn't have time to email 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

PIXLR Image Editor - Like GIMP or Photoshop


Online web based image editor like GIMP or PhotoShop - PIXLR

PIXLR Image Editor - Like GIMP or Photoshop - Online web based image editor like GIMP or PhotoShop - PIXLR

Here is a cool online image editor that is like GIMP or PhotoShop which is online and you can use for free.

The image editor is pixlr

It will allow you to edit local files or images on your computer.

It will also allow you to edit images on websites.

I have not played with it a lot, but it's definitely nice when I don't have a copy of GIMP or PhotoShop on the machine I am using.



include the stuff about my false arrest by the Arizona DPS in this file include the stuff about how I was framed by by the Arizona DPS for selling LSD in this file include_framed_by_dps_false_arrest_dps.php

You are required to report murders to the police

I should sue the police over this law which says that you are required to report murders and other deaths to the police.

I would be terrified to report a murder to the police because they would probably attempt to blame it on me if I did report the murder.

The same goes for reporting the discovery of a dead body.

If I found a dead body I would be terrified to report it to the police, again because I would be afraid the police would blame the death on me.

Sue the government over these laws

1) They have passed several laws that require you report crimes and dead bodies. Sue over them. Those laws are almost certainly a violation of the 5th Amendment (self incrimination) and 13th Amendment (slavery).

2) The law requiring taxi drivers to take drug tests. Despite Prop 203 which says in ARS 36-2802 that medical marijuana patients can't be busted for DUI because of marijuana metabolites in their system, the cops are arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI per ARS 28-1381

But Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana law in ARS 36-2802.D, clearly says if you are a medical marijuana patient you can not be arrested for DUI because you have marijuana metabolites in you body:

ARS 36-2802.D Operating, navigating or being in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft or motorboat while under the influence of marijuana, except that a registered qualifying patient shall not be considered to be under the influence of marijuana solely because of the presence of metabolites or components of marijuana that appear in insufficient concentration to cause impairment.

3) Law that limits light rail fare to 5 cents or is that 25 cents or a quarter.

Where was that photos shot at????

At this web site they will use the GPS metatags embedded in you photos to tell you the location that your photo was shot at.

Most modern cell phones will allow you to record the location of any photos you shoot by embedding meta tags which contain the GPS location the photo was shot in the photo's files.

Will some people, like those phony baloney libertarians, David, Ernie and Mike will accuse me of giving this information to the cops, I am sure the cops already have this information and know how to extract the GPS information from you photos.

A few months back software billionaire John McAfee made the news on this issue when he was a fugitive and was releasing photos to the media.

Some hacker took the photos and extracted the GPS information and determined that John McAfee was lying about the location he claimed the photos were shot at.

Tempe City Logo???

Check out this cool city of Tempe logo I found!!!!!
City of Tempe logo - Nazi Germany German swastika, Soviet Union hammer and sickle, and of course a KKK or Ku Klux Klan knight white robe, they must be proud to be employees of the city of Tempe

Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residents

The Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local Tempe residents according to this article.

Messy yard cops shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo

Tempe jackbooted messy yard cops are shaking down Tempe barber Dan Armijo who runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop In this article the tyrannical Tempe Messy Yard Police shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo.

Dan Armijo runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop which is over on Southern and Mill Avenue at 115 E. Southern Ave in Tempe.

Hey Dan Armijo, I would come by your shop and get a haircut, but hell, I haven't gotten a hair cut since the early 1990's.

I don't need a hair cut any more then you need a jackbooted messy yard cop at your barber shop.

Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yard

Jack Lowell - anti-war activist and messy yard criminals all rolled into one - Tempe Messy Yard Police - Tempe Messy Yard cops According to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.

I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts.

My Will

OK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.

Spanish language magazines & newspapers

These are the free Spanish language newspapers and magazines I read every week.

Spanish Ordinal Numbers

One, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.

Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011

This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site lp.org/platform

A Table of Contents for Homeless in Arizona

A toc for Homeless in Arizona?

Anne Mardick - Universal Atheist Event Web Site

Here is a blurb about when I was talking to Anne Mardick about doing an atheist web site to list atheist web events around the planet.

Marc Victor Friend Barry Cooper

Here is an alleged friend of Marc Victor named Barry Cooper.

Barry Cooper is an ex-narcotics agent who used to arrest people for victimless drug war crimes.

Marc Victor - Facebook

Marc Victor Facebook

The Hand Notes

The Hand Notes

I am a rock?

I am a rock - Simon & Garfunkle - Sounds of Silence
  I am a Rock

More articles on Kyrsten Sinema

Some previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.

Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4

If you love taxes and hate guns you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.

Kyrsten Sinema the government tyrant that proposed a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana

Some old links on Kyrsten Sinema

1 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11

Andrew Myers - Arizona Dispensaries Association

Prop 203 - Arizona Medical Marijuana Act

Andrew Myers - Prop 203 - Arizona Medical Marijuana Act - Phoenix medical-marijuana dispensaries clear hurdles - snitch??? Here is an interesting article about Andrew Myers, the Arizona Dispensaries Association, "farmers markets", "compassion clubs", Prop 203, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act and medical marijuana in Arizona.

Ernest Hancock - Self Proclaimed Libertarian

Ernie Hancock - Self Proclaimed Libertarian

David Dorn

Scott Henderson Tempe Amnesty International

Glasses Prescription

Here is a link to my glasses prescription. Use to get dirt cheep mail order glasses.

Auto Insurase for Mexicans

Here is a link to a place that I can get auto insuranse for my car. A lot of Mexicans love this place because they won't jack you around. Plus they will give you ccheep auto insuranse.

Julie Smith works for the Phoenix Police - She is on Facebook

Julie Smith works for the Phoenix Police!!!!

I just discovered that one of my Facebook friends is a cop that works for the Phoenix Police.

Here name is Julie Smith and here is a photo on her Facebook page which says she works for the PhoenixPolice.

The photo I found on her Facebook page says she is a Detective with the Phoenix Police. She works with the LGBTQ Liason and Gay Camp.

While in this case it is pretty obvious that Julie Smith is a cop you should assume that ANYBODY you meet on the Internet is a cop.

And for that reason you should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER mention any thing illegal on the internet, even if it is a victimless crime that hurts NO one.

Julie Smith works for the Phoenix Police - She is on Facebook - LGBTQ Liason and Gay Camp - lesbian, gay, transgendered, queer

No Shopping Carts Allowed In Phoenix Parks

I suspect there is a mean spirited *sshole who is a high ranking official in the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department who hates homeless people and will do anything either legal or illegal to run the homeless people out of the parks in the City of Phoenix.

I have discovered that somebody in the city of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department has been spending our tax dollars to post signs that cite and imaginary laws that doesn't exist and use it to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks.

Oddly this isn't new, my Libertarian friend Ricky Duncan discovered a number of other signs in Phoenix Parks which cited imaginary laws which the tyrants in the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department were using to terrorize people they dislike.

Here is a list of all those parks in the City of Phoenix which have imaginary laws posted in them to run homeless people out of Phoenix Parks.

Note I have expanded the full list which includes other cities such as Tempe and Guadalupe which also have imaginary laws posted in their parks.

James Wood - Atheist running for U.S. Congress

James Wood - Atheist Gun Grabber for U.S. Congress

James Woods - Arizona atheist gun grabber running for US Congress - gun grabber - wants to ban guns and flush the Second Amendment down the toilet - Against 2nd Amendment - AU - AUGP - Phoenix Americans United for Separation of Church and State - Freedom From Religion Foundation FFRF - blind - visually impaired - Democrat
  James Woods an atheist gun grabber running for Congress.

I will usually vote for an atheist any day of the year over a religious person, because I know they won't be passing laws forcing their religion on me.

A long time ago I sent James Woods a message on Facebook asking for his position on the "War on Drugs" and on legalizing marijuana. I was kind of p*ssed because he never responded to my message.

Since James Wood didn't respond to my message I suspect he is one of those politicians who will try and keep REAL positions secret he thinks it will cause him to lose your vote.

I call those people hypocrites. I don't know if James Wood is a hypocrite or not. But he never responded to my questions, so I am guessing he is a hypocrite.

I also think that James Woods is against the Second Amendment and wants to take our guns away from use.

He mentioned something along those lines at either a Phoenix Freedom From Religion Foundation meeting or a Phoenix Americans United for Separation of Church and State (Phoenix AU) meeting.

An just because James Woods has sun glasses on in this photo, it doesn't mean he is a druggie. James Wood is blind.

U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is the only other atheist I know in govenrment.

I am not too happy with her either because when she was a member of the Arizona legislator she tried to flush Prop 203 or Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act down the toilet by slapping a 300% tax on medical marijuana. That attempt failed.

U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema says she supports decriminalizing marijuana, but I think she is lying because of the tax she tried to slap on medical marijuana.

I used to know U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema when she was an anti-war activist, but it looks like she has sold out the cause since she got elected. While she talks like she supports the little guy she consistently votes to support the police state and military industrial complex.

U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema is also a big time gun grabber who would love to flush the 2nd Amendment down the toilet.

Jennifer White

Anne Mardick

Mike Franklin

Pat Schwind

Other Stuff 1

Other Stuff 2

Other Stuff 3

Other Stuff 4


October 2018

December 2018

Homeless in Arizona

Homeless In Arizona counter is screwed up