Homeless in Arizona

The Wall - Us Mexico Interactive Border Map

Arizona Republic, USA Today map of the US / Mexico border.



The Wall - Us Mexico Interactive Border Map

Here is a map of the US / Mexico border. It's from a series of articles written by the Arizona Republic and USA Today on the wal American Emperor Trump wants to build between the Mexican border and America.

Most of it is unfenced and you can walk across it.

Many of the fences are only designed to stop cars and you can walk thru them, under them or around them.

My view on the border is we should rip down all the fences between Mexico and Canada and let anybody into the USA that wants to come into the USA. We should also fire everybody in the INS, ICE, Border Patrol, US Customs and Immigration or La Migra as I call them.

Map of US / Mexico border - Map U.S. / Mexican Border - Arizona Republic Article - USA Today Article

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Homeless in Arizona

Homeless In Arizona counter is screwed up