Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Mass Murders - Serial Killers

Charles Manson, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush



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Which of these mass murderers and serial killers has killed more people?

Charles Manson - He murders famous movie stars in the Hollywood Hills section of Los Angeles

President Donald Trump - He uses drones to murder innocent woman and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria

President Barack Obama - He is the only serial killer to ever win a Nobel Peace Prize

President George W Bush - He uses drones to murder innocent woman and children in Iraq, Afghanistan

Charles Manson
Donald Trump
Barack Obama
George Bush


Mass Murders - Serial Killers - Mass murderer Charles Manson - Charlie Manson - American Emperor Donald Trump - American President Donald Trump - American Emperor Barack Obama - American President Barack Obama - American Emperor George W. Bush - American President George W. Bush - z_99065.php


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