Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

the old guy in Tempe is a cop who is trying to entrap me?

oldtempeguy@yahoo.com in Tempe is a cop who is trying to entrap me with the "9 step reid method"


Source Also see: 1

Intersting note, some of this sounds a lot like the stuff

Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski

of Safer Arizona

Wonder if it's him? or good old Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski.

the old guy in Tempe is a cop who is trying to entrap me? And questioning me with the 9 step reid method?

the oldtempeguy@yahoo.com in Tempe is a cop who is trying to entrap me? And questioning me with the 9 step reid method?

Looks like he posted it on Saturday, December 9, 2017

On Sat, 12/9/17, oldtempeguy@yahoo.com [azsecularhumanists] wrote:

"As for Mike not answering you, I certainly don't blame him for ignoring someone who is posting for the primary purpose of harassing and defaming him."

To be defaming him I must be speaking a lie and to the best of my knowledge I have not. He has not spoken up and said he never bombed a school, never committed arson of a school, never made money as a con artist, never broke into people's homes and cars, never was a drug dealer, does not have a trust fund condo and was not pretending to be homeless.

He also cannot speak against his lie that the "government took my homes like the Germans took the Jews".

Mike does not respond only because I stand up to him which is something he cannot stand.

You may have noticed that Mike speaks ill, defames, of any who he dislikes and does not offer any proof other then his word.

Also see: 1 2


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