Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Ryan Winkle - Mesa City Councilman

Safer Arizona - PCC Phoenix Cannabis Coalition - David Stephen Wisniewski - Michelle Mushee Westinfield


Source Also see: 1

A couple of months ago I got a call from Ryan Winkle who is a Mesa City Councilman. For Google lets also say Mesa City Councilman Ryan Winkle.

He was asking me a lot of questions about marijuana and marijuana related stuff.

I wonder if that was just a set up or scam by David Stephen Wisniewski and Michelle Mushee Westinfield of Safer Arizona to spy on me.

It was probably also a scam by Michelle Mushee Westinfield of PCC Phoenix Cannabis Coalition to spy on me too.

Jesus, don't those people have any useful things to do like go legalize marijuana.

Instead of demonizing people like me who REALLy want to legalize marijuana.

Ryan Winkle - Mesa City Councilman  - z_99035.php

Ryan Winkle - Mesa City Councilman  - z_99035.php

Ryan Winkle - Mesa City Councilman  - z_99035.php


Also see: 1 2


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