Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Safer Arizona owned by the legal medical marijuana cartels?

Safer Arizona owned by Arizona Dispensary Association or ADA?

z_98810.php created July 07, 2018
  Looks like Safer Arizona has sold out to the "Legal Medical Marijuana Cartel" from this post. I guess you can also say that Safer Arizona seems to be owned by Arizona Dispensary Association or ADA?


Source Also see: 1 2 3

Understandably, many are disappointed and frustrated that we fell short on signatures. Rightfully so. It is upsetting. It's okay to criticize my leadership on the issue but not okay to criticize volunteers who pushed this cause forward.

Although we fell short, cannabis activism is NEVER a waste. But with this reality our time to be upset must be short lived because the Arizona Dispensary Association (Same group who helped draft Prop 205) seems to be interested in working on a 2020 initiative.

Likely they will want to preserve the current oligopoly but I feel that negotiations with this group in effort to include consumer interests may be beneficial.

It's best to have the industry and community get behind 1 initiative for 2020. However based on the issues in prop 203 and prop 205, many consumers are still in a "stand off" mentality with these investors.

Many people in our community want us to launch a 2020 initiative this November and run the same or similar initiative as the SACLA.

Then there is a population of people who say we should do both. Launch an initiative while negotiating.

The idea is to get at least bare minimum consumer interests in the ADA initiative which include but not limited to

1. Defelonization - Removing all felonies for consumer cannabis activity.

[Why not just remove ALL criminal penalties.

Well, I guess that might cut into Tom Dean's legal business. Can't do that]

2. Guaranteed Home Cultivation rights - That NO government entity can prohibit.

[When me, Dave, and Alex wrote the initial Safer Arizona initiative that's how it was.

100% cultivation rights for everybody.

But then Tom Dean came along and made it illegal to grow marijuana within 1000 feet of a school

Tom Dean also made it illegal to grow more than 48 marijuana plants without a sales tax license. ]

3. Parental Rights - So a parent consuming cannabis is not considered neglectful simply for consuming cannabis. NO separating families over cannabis alone.

4. DUI immunity - No Automatic DUI simply for having THC in your system.

5. Post conviction relief and post expungement relief - Getting nonviolent people out of prison for cannabis crimes and erasing cannabis criminal records.

[When me, Dave, and Alex wrote the initial Safer Arizona initiative we gave people an automatic pardon erasing of their criminal records. Like in the RAD initiative.

But then Tom Dean came along an required that people

file legal paperwork to get their records cleared. ]

At a minimum these things need to be included to minimize back lash from patients and consumers.

With that said. Safer Arizona will soon be hosting live public discussions on how our community should move forward in to 2020.

As of now there's at least 3 options on the table.

1. Launch a grass roots initiative this November.

2. Negotiate with the Arizona Dispensary Association to include consumer interests.

[The Arizona Dispensary Association is interested in $$$ MONEY $$$ for their members.

Not legalizing marijuana completely and cutting into their profits. ]

3. Do both simultaneously.

Please provide input. Together we are incredibly strong. It is important that we all work together for 2020.

Thank you

David Stephen Wisniewski
Safer Arizona Founder


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