Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Tom Dean can't write an initiative to completely legalize marijuana?

Marijuana Criminal Defense Attorney Tom Dean a Prohibitionist?

z_98662.php created May 01, 2019


Is Tom Dean a Prohibitionist?

Why can't Tom Dean write an initiative to completely legalize marijuana?

Tom Dean can't write an initiative to completely legalize marijuana? - Marijuana Criminal Defense Attorney Tom Dean a Prohibitionist? - 'Tom Dean', 'Tom W Dean', 'Thomas W Dean', 'Thomas Dean', 
                             'Thomas W Dean Esq. Plc.', 'Thomas W Dean Esq', 'Thomas W Dean Plc', 
                             'marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean', 
                             'marijuana criminal defense lawyer Tom Dean', 'Safer Arizona', 
                             'Safer Arizona board of director Tom Dean', 'Mikel Weisser', 
                             'Phoenix NORML', 'Arizona NORML', 'NORML', 'Arizona Dispensary Association', 
                             'Marijuana Industry Trade Association', 'ADA', 'MITA', 
                             'Arizona Cannabis Bar Association', 'Arizona Marijuana Bar Association',  
                             '(602)635-4990', '602-635-4990', '602.635.4990', 
                             'http://attorneyforcannabis.com', 'attorneyforcannabis.com' - z_98662.php Marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean says he wants to legalize marijuana.

If that's true, why can't Tom Dean write an initiative that actually legalizes marijuana?

Maybe it's the $10,000 to $16,000 Tom Dean charges to defend people people who have been arrested for victimless marijuana crimes?

Maybe Tom Dean would go broke if marijuana was 100% legalized?

Maybe it's the businesses in the Arizona legal medical marijuana cartel that are Tom Dean's clients. Like the firms in the Arizona Dispensary Association (ADA) and Marijuana Industry Trade Association (MITA). And the lawyers in the Arizona Cannabis Bar Association.

The legal marijuana cartel would hate it if marijuana was 100% legal and they didn't have a monopoly on growing and selling marijuana.

Tom Dean wouldn't make any money defending people who were arrested for cutting into the legal marijuana cartel's profits?

When Mickey Jones, David Stephen Wisniewski and Alex Gentry wrote the initial Safer Arizona initiative, it was 100% legalization, with two minor exceptions.

Of course Tom Dean gutted the initiative and added numerous victimless marijuana crimes and silly government regulations.

Victimless marijuana crimes that marijuana criminal defense attorneys like Tom Dean would love to increase their profits.

Victimless marijuana crimes that the legal Arizona medical marijuana cartel would love to help them keep their monopoly.

Yes, I suspect that marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean is a PROHIBITIONIST. Sounds like it's about $$$ MONEY $$$, not marijuana.


As I said before when Mickey Jones, David Stephen Wisniewski and Alex Gentry wrote the initial Safer Arizona initiative, it was 100% legalization of marijuana, with two minor exceptions.

Those two exceptions were

1) an age limit of 21

2) a simple sales tax not to exceed the sales tax on food.

We allowed ANYBODY, 21 or over to grow, possess or sell an unlimited amount of marijuana.

We also gave automatic pardons to anyone who was convicted of a victimless marijuana crime.

Marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean was supposed to review the initiative that Mickey Jones, David Stephen Wisniewski and Alex Gentry wrote to make sure it Constitutional, legal and valid.

Once marijuana criminal defense lawyer Tom Dean got involved he ended up gutting numerous protections that were put in the initiative to protect marijuana users from the government.

Some of the things that Tom Dean did to gut the Safer Arizona initiative were

1) Tom Dean made it illegal to grow marijuana anywhere if it was visible from the public.

Such as growing marijuana in an unfenced backyard where it could be seen from the street.

Or for that matter growing marijuana in your living room, if you left the windows open and a cop could see a marijuana plant from the street.

This was taken almost word for word, from Prop 205, which I suspect Tom Dean had a hand in writing.

2) Made it illegal to grow marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school.

I think Tom Dean also took this from Prop 205.

That makes it illegal to grow marijuana in huge areas of cities where you frequently have a school every half mile or 2,640 feet.

3) Made it illegal to grow more than 48 marijuana plants, unless you got a sales tax license.

4) Made it illegal to sell any of the marijuana you grew, unless you got a sales tax license.

5) Made it illegal to possess marijuana in many government buildings.

6) Made it illegal for anybody to sell another person marijuana without a sales tax license.

So while I could sell you some tomatoes I grew in my backyard, with Tom Deans law, it was illegal for me to sell you marijuana I grew in my backyard without a sales tax license.

7) Removed the automatic pardons from our law. Now you had to file motions and ask a judge to give you a pardon.

I suspect Tom Dean did this to generate legal business for his law firm, because many people convicted of victimless marijuana crimes don't know how to navigate the court system.

8) We wrote the initiative so that the government could not pass restrictive zoning laws against marijuana businesses.

Tom Dean changed that and allowed the government to pass zoning laws against marijuana businesses as long as they were "reasonable".

Tom Dean didn't define "reasonable", so if a jury thought a zoning law was "reasonable" it would hold up.

I suspect Tom Dean added this law so he could help the his clients in the Arizona legal medical marijuana cartel pass zoning laws to put there competitors out of business and make it very difficult for new competitors to enter the market.

9) Tom Dean also removed the RAD blurb that severely punished crooked police officers, prosecutors, and judges who violate a person's "marijuana rights" defined in the initiative.

More on that next.

We included most of the RAD marijuana or Relegalize All Drugs marijuana 2016 initiative in the Safer Arizona 2018 initiative.

It can bee seen at:


It took me a while, to figure out why Tom Dean fought so hard to eliminate this item from the Safer Arizona initiative, which came from RAD:

10. Any government employee, police officer or prosecutor that interferes with a persons marijuana rights defined in this initiative shall be personally and civilly liable to each person for each incident for a minimum of $1 million in damages or 10 times the actual amount of damages which ever is greater. There shall be no immunity to police offices or prosecutors who claim to be "acting in good faith" or other reasons.
First Tom Dean got us to lower the $1 million figure to $100,000.

Then he got us to eliminate it altogether.

I suspect the REAL reason Tom Dean fought to eliminate the severe punishment we included for crooked cops was because it would prevent Federal cops, like the DEA from falsely arresting people.

And that would cut into the income Tom Dean's law firm make from representing people arrested for marijuana crimes.

Currently if a crooked DEA cop illegally searches your or violates your rights, all that happens in the charges get dropped.

Crooked cops rarely get more than a slap on the wrist for violating a person's rights and falsely arresting them on a bogus marijuana charge.

But the RAD initiative with allows crooked cops to be sued civilly for damages.

And since the RAD initiative allows a crooked cop to be hit with a minimum of $1 million in damages, I suspect Tom Dean was afraid that if something like this was in the Safer Arizona initiative and passed, it would severely cut into the number of the arrests the Federal cops make for victimless marijuana crimes. And that would cut into the income of Tom Dean's law firm.

Safer Arizona modified their initiative and refiled the initiative 5 times.

Each time Safer Arizona modified their initiative it seems like they added new restrictions.

Sadly I suspect that was done intentionally by Safer Arizona to make it harder for the marijuana community to see all the negative changes Tom Dean was making to it.

Here are the links to the 5 different initiatives Safer Arizona filed with the Arizona Secretary of State's election department.








Prop 205 was the initiative written by the legal medical marijuana cartel in Arizona, which was to give them a second government monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana.

MPP or the Marijuana Policy Project was involved in writing the initiative.

I suspect these two groups were also behind Prop 203, the Arizona Dispensary Association or ADA, the Marijuana Industry Trade Association or MITA, and maybe the Arizona Cannabis Bar Association.

I suspect Tom Dean was involved in writing Prop 205.

When I sued Tom Dean, I discovered that that the members of the legal medical marijuana cartel were his clients.

Prop 205 was a horrible initiative and had numerous felony charges for anybody that cut into the legal recreational marijuana cartel it would have created.

Prop 205 can be seen here:


I also suspect that Tom Dean wrote most of if not all of Jason Medar's AZFRM or Arizonans For Mindful Regulation initiative.

I was told Tom Dean was paid $5,000 to write it. In fact the whole world was told that at a Safer Arizona meeting which David Stephen Wisniewski video taped in 2018 when Zandy (Alexander Wick) made the comments about it.

I supported the AZFRM initiative and probably collected over 2,000 signatures.

Despite fact that I supported the AZFMR initiative, it was another initiative that was horrible and didn't completely legalized marijuana.

If Tom Dean wrote it, as I suspect, I think he wrote it mainly to throw a monkey wrench into the complete legalization of marijuana.

Here is a link to the AZFMR initiative at the Arizona Secretary of State's election web page.


Me? I wrote both of the RAD initiative. Here is the current 2020 RAD marijuana initiative

100% complete re-legalization of marijuana & hashish

1. The government shall recognize that marijuana abuse is NOT a criminal problem but a medical problem.

2. The government shall NOT tax, regulate, or pass any laws governing marijuana or marijuana activities.

3. The government shall NOT assist any other government entities, such as Federal, foreign, world, Native American or state governments in enforcing any laws against marijuana.

4. The government shall NOT pass any guide lines, rules, regulations or laws discriminating against people or entities that use marijuana. Such as laws that limit a marijuana user's guns rights or parental rights.

5. Any person convicted of any marijuana offense in the past shall automatically have their criminal record cleared of those charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those charges.

6. Any person arrested for any marijuana offense in the past who accepted a plea bargain for reduced charges shall automatically have their criminal record cleared of those reduced charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those reduced charges.

7. Any government employee, agent, elected official, judge, law enforcement officer or prosecutor that falsely arrests a person, violates a person's rights, passes a law or issues a ruling, guideline or edict that that interferes with a person's marijuana use rights defined here shall be personally and civilly liable to each person for each incident for a minimum of $1 million in damages or 10 times the actual amount of damages whichever is greater. There shall be no immunity to a person who claims to be "acting in good faith" or for any other reason.

8 . All government courts shall accept cases involving marijuana use, and decide the case based on the oral, written, or other contracts of the parties involved. Courts may not refuse cases by saying that marijuana is illegal under Federal law, international law, or other laws.

9. Definitions: For this initiative the word "marijuana" refers to any form of marijuana, cannabis, hashish or hemp and includes concentrated forms such as THC, CBD, hash, hash oil, wax, shatter and all other forms. This includes all parts of any plant of the genus cannabis, whether growing or not, the seeds of such plant, the resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus cannabis; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol. This includes, but will not be limited to; all paraphernalia for marijuana use, such as pipes, bongs, cigarette papers or dabbing tools.

10. "Marijuana activities" shall be defined as; but shall not be limited to: using, smoking, vaping, eating, consuming, drinking, snorting, transdermal delivery, injecting, sale, transfer, growth, cultivating, manufacture, processing, cooking, production, storage, possession, giving legal advice, transportation, or importation of marijuana. This includes any form of "marijuana use": recreational, religious, medical, commercial, industrial or any other use.


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