Homeless in Arizona

Arizona Gergory - Greg Fox

Safer Arizona - AZFRM - PCC Phoenix Cannabis Coalition - Voter Fraud


Source Also see: 1 2

Arizona Gergory - Greg Fox - greg_fox.html

Arizona Gergory - Greg Fox - greg_fox.html

Arizona Gergory - Greg Fox - greg_fox.html

Arizona Gergory - Greg Fox - greg_fox.html

  Add a bunch of his photos Add a blurb of what happened But a time trick in it so it doesnt display until after a certain date Make this a dual one where I have an Arizona Gergory and Greg Fox in main directory Arizona Gregory or Greg Fox collected a huge number of signatures for AZFR to legalize marijuana. There are many photos that he posted of himself doing it. And photos posted by others.

I was with him many times.

Then later after that he files to get his rights restored.

So it looks like he was a felon all along illegally collecting signatures for AZFR.

And of course he makes the admissions publicly to the world on Facebook.

Now Arizona Gregory is on the board of directors for both Safer Arizona and PCC or the Phoenix Cannabis Coalition.

Those are the folks who are demonizing me.

But don't worry, I have not turned in Greg Fox or Arizona Gregory for his crimes. And I have no intention of doing so.

I suspect the crimes that Greg Fox or Arizona Gregory commited are voter fraud.

Since Greg Fox fraudlently cleared his record and fraudlently got his civil rights restored I suspect that there is a good chance all of the signatures he collected for Safer Arizona were also illegally collected.

But again, I have no intention of turning him in.

I should run this by him with my questions of:

Did I ever ask to buy marijuana from you.

Did I ever ask for the names of people selling marijuana.


Also see 1 2 3


Homeless in Arizona

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