Homeless in Arizona

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The "drone guy" was falsely arrested by Tempe Police

"Drone guy" was falsely arrested on Friday by the Tempe Police for beating up a guy.

z_98776.php created September 10, 2018

Source Also see: 1 2 3 4

The "drone guy" was falsely arrested on Friday by the Tempe Police for beating up a guy.

I talked to the drone guy this morning and he said he was falsely arrested for beating up a guy at the bus stop on Rural & Southern last Friday at about 11:00.

On Friday, I think a homeless guy got beaten up around 11:00 am at the bus stop. I think it was Friday, September 7, 2018. Actually I think it might have been a little later than that. Maybe 12 noon. Of course he probably wasn't thinking very good because he was being falsely arrested by some crooked police criminals.

The first story I heard was it was over the food I left there. I heard two homeless guys were fighting over a bag of food I left there. Actually it was a bunch of rolls and other pastries I left there.

I saw the cops there and my first question was who did the Tempe Police shoot this time.

He told me the Tempe Police ran into the library and arrested him because he had a red shirt.

He said he was held for something like 12 hours before they decided that he didn't do it.

He said the Tempe pigs took pictures of his hands and stuff. I guess the suspected his hands would be cut up if he actually beat up the guy.

He said that eventually he was released when they figured out he didn't do it. I think he said the cops showed the homeless guy who was beaten up and in the hospital his photo and the homeless guy said it wasn't him.

But, he said he had warrants out for his arrest on some other chicken sh*t stuff and the cops then held him for 48 hours longer in the Maricopa County Jail.

I told him that is why I always take the 5th Amendment and refuse to answer any questions from the police,

If you refuse to tell the police your name, they can't run a warrant check on you.

And of course that's why I don't carry ID on me either. When you ask cops to honor your 5th Amendment right and refuse to tell them your name they will almost always illegally search you looking for ID.

And if you don't carry ID, there illegal search will do nothing for them other then make them a defendant in a Title 42, Section 1983 false arrest lawsuit. And of course in addition to the lawsuit saying the violated your 5th and 6th Amendment rights, the lawsuit will also mention an illegal search and the fact the cops also violated your 4th Amendment rights.

I offered to give him a copy of a USC 42 Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit so he could sue the Tempe pigs for false arrest.

And the cops wonder why we constantly say "F*ck the police" and hate them.

I don't know the drone guys name, but he is an interesting person to talk to about drones. He has a whole slew of them .


Also I should make a public records request on this.


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