Homeless in Arizona

Arizona Gregory Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital

On their way to/from PCC meeting??? - Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Source Also see: 1 2 3

Arizona Gregory Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital - On their way to/from PCC meeting??? - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - arizona_gregory_michelle_accident.html

Arizona Gregory Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital - On their way to/from PCC meeting??? - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - arizona_gregory_michelle_accident.html

Arizona Gregory Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital - On their way to/from PCC meeting??? - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - arizona_gregory_michelle_accident.html

Arizona Gregory Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital - On their way to/from PCC meeting??? - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - arizona_gregory_michelle_accident.html

Arizona Gregory Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital - On their way to/from PCC meeting??? - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - arizona_gregory_michelle_accident.html

Arizona Gregory Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital - On their way to/from PCC meeting??? - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - arizona_gregory_michelle_accident.html

Arizona Gregory Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital - On their way to/from PCC meeting??? - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - arizona_gregory_michelle_accident.html


Arizona Gregory added 3 new photos — with Michelle Westenfield and Michelle Mushee Westenfield at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital.

Tempe · And this happens what a night. We're ok but hurting.

Samantha McClintock Oh my. Glad to hear that you are okay!!!!

Kandice Herring Glad you are okay. What happened?

Chris Martin I hope all are good

Deb Staires Oh no.

Laura Mastropietro You can’t leave for a minute. 😉

Arizona Gregory We were in exit lane, traffic came to full stop, we stop hear screaming tires then BOMB were facing the other way facing spun us good don't event know what hit us never made it to the other car.

Cathy M McMillen Damn, HCD guys!

Kim Farmer So sorry! Take care of yourself. Epson soaks, salve etc

Brandon Bock Damn...

Deb Staires Arizona Gregory - Cameron is on his way.

Arizona Gregory St Luke's ER 15B its gonna be awhile text me his number I'll call when I'm discharged to be picked up

Deb Staires Arizona Gregory I did. He's there.

Arizona Gregory Cool because I'm ready to leave

Deb Staires Arizona Gregory Did he find you?

Arizona Gregory Yep that's how I got home so quickly once you said he was there I was out.

Alex Gentry Holy shit dude. Hope you guys are ok!!

Mike Falkenstein Damn.

Arizona Gregory We have ride when we get released

Anthony Maginn Glad you're all ok... 💙💛

Pastor Jeffrey Livings Glad you guys ok

Anna Perches Prayers everyone is ok

Robert W Clark Glad you are ok. How's Michelle Mushee Westenfield doing?

Arizona Gregory I couldn't take being in the small room anymore so I got up and left the hospital I'm home now to medicate Michelle Westenfield I believe was admitted

Laura Mastropietro Stay medicated buddy. So sorry to hear about this. RSO it up hard. It saved my ass last week.

Arizona Gregory might be asking for donations of oil only have 1-2 grams left I just took 3/4 a gram.

Laura Mastropietro I added that above in a reply too. I was thinking you’re gonna need delivry too.

Arizona Gregory Thank you. I still wanna come up and make crackers

Laura Mastropietro I need to make those again!

Dennis Autooutlet Glad to hear your ok

Tonya King Greg feel better my friend.

Tyler Grey Glad that you are alright!

Michael Aguirre Damn glad everyone is still alive and will be okay you're going to hurt really bad tomorrow

Gayleen Marie Chapman Oh no! Praying for quick recovery for all of you.. I'm glad you all are okay..

Kim Farmer It was horrible tonight. Sorry this happened😞

Jeffrey Jeannotte That couldn't be good for her rotator cuff. Damnit

Arizona Gregory She's was complaining of her shoulder😔

Jeffrey Jeannotte Yeah, was afraid of that

Jeffrey Jeannotte Glad you kids are ok

Arizona Gregory Thanks

Sheila M Carpenter Shaw Have we heard how Michelle is? I'm praying for all involved!

Arizona Gregory I'll find out in the morning. I'm gonna try and rest.

Joe Vincente I hope everybody is OK.

Alissa Brunelli Omg I hope you guys are okay!

Alissa Brunelli

Cody Donnelly PRAYERS SENT!!! XOXO

Jeri Keevil Praying your both going to be alright

Annita Clark Glad you are ok

Jody Ellebrecht Omg was that YOUR car and r u hurt and where were I going? Still have PTSD from my crash over a year ago.

Amy Mellen Glad you're safe!

Chuck Brooks Oh wow scary

Jesse Tyler Cole Holy shit hope you and Michelle Westenfield are safe and, my prayers go out to you both for quick recovery😢💚

Dryas Iulia Did Arizona and Michelle Westenfield both make it home???s

James Atmanavicius Greg commented last night @ 8:50 that he left hospital and is home and he thinks Michelle was admitted

Monique Loveless Kennemer Glad your going to be okay

Jimi Nash Hope you feel better soon

Audrey Kerger Oh my sending angles of protection and let me know if you’re sore, you’ll need some salve 👼👼👼👼👼👼

Diane H. Call There's a wave of car accidents in Tucson too. They say it's people driving as if in the video games. I've seen it. People making wild illegal stupid manuevers. So glad you're ok!

Stephen Reilly Get well Sorry to hear about the incident

Megan Jonas damn Greg, that's scary

Rebecca Sisco Glad you're ok

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