Homeless in Arizona

Tempe p*sses away our tax dollars on irrigation art???

  At these two locations I saw an artist putting ceramic tile on Salt River Project irrigation ditches. She told me that it was a program by the city of Tempe to bring art to the city of Tempe. She said that the city of Tempe was paying her to do the art work.

I asked her how much she was being paid and she refused to tell me.

I should file a public request and get the name of the artist along with how much money she was paid by the city of Tempe to put up this silly art work.

The first irrigation ditch was at:

216 East Palmcroft Drive
near the intersection of
College Avenue & Aepli Drive
The irrigation ditch is on the southwest corner of College Avenue & Aepli Drive in the alley, and behind the house at 216 East Palmcroft Drive

The second irrigation ditch was at:

428 East Alameda Drive
near the intersection of
Ventura Drive & Alameda Drive
The irrigation ditch is on the northwest corner of Ventura Drive & Alameda Drive and on the east side of the house at 428 East Alameda Drive

Tempe government welfare for artists at 216 East Palmcroft Drive, Tempe, Arizona and 428 East Alameda Drive, Tempe, Arizona

Tempe government welfare for artists at 216 East Palmcroft Drive, Tempe, Arizona and 428 East Alameda Drive, Tempe, Arizona

Tempe government welfare for artists at 216 East Palmcroft Drive, Tempe, Arizona and 428 East Alameda Drive, Tempe, Arizona


Homeless in Arizona

Homeless In Arizona counter is screwed up