Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Arizona Department of Health Services doesn't want your input


Here ia a link to the Arizona Department of Health Services Medical Marijuana website.

The jerks at the Arizona Department of Health Services seem to be doing the best they can to f*ck over and abuse medical marijuana patients.


Safer Arizona images

Looks like the jerks at the Arizona Department of Health Services are doing the best they can to severely limit the number of suggestions on how medical marijuana can help people.

The Arizona Department of Health Services Medical Marijuana Program will be accepting petitions to add to the list of debilitating medical conditions from July 24 to 28, 2017. Petitions will be accepted via U.S Mail only at P.O Box 19000, Phoenix, AZ 85005 and must be postmarked by the last day of the petition cycle.
Why do I say that???
1) they are only accepting petitions for a measly 4 days, from July 24 to July 28

2) you have to waste 49 cents to MAIL them the petition. you can't email mail the petition or give it to them via the web for free.

3) they must be postmarked by July 28

Since Prop 203 or Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act was created, they have only approved ONE NEW CONDITION. And it seems like the ONLY reason they approved that condition was they were threatened with a lawsuit. The condition was PTSD.

I suspect the main reason the government tyrants at ADHS are refusing to allow for new uses of medical marijuana is for their buddies in the police unions.

The "War on Drugs" is a big money maker for cops, prosecutors, courts, and the entire criminal injustice system and they don't want to see medical marijuana cut into those big bucks.


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