Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

This Charlotte Webb sounds a lot like the oldguyintempe



This Charlotte Webb sounds a lot like one of the idiots in the Ernie Hancock, David Dorn, Marc Victor gang

Safer Arizona images - This Charlotte Webb sounds a lot like the oldguyintempe or one of the idiots in the Ernie Hancock, David Dorn, Marc Victor gang

Safer Arizona images - This Charlotte Webb sounds a lot like the oldguyintempe or one of the idiots in the Ernie Hancock, David Dorn, Marc Victor gang

Safer Arizona images - This Charlotte Webb sounds a lot like the oldguyintempe or one of the idiots in the Ernie Hancock, David Dorn, Marc Victor gang

  This Charlotte Webb sounds a lot like the oldguyintempe This Charlotte Webb sounds a lot like one of the idiots in the Ernie Hancock, David Dorn, Marc Victor gang https://www.facebook.com/merissa.hamilton.71/posts/1068208139980321 https://www.facebook.com/merissa.hamilton.71/posts/1068208139980321?comment_id=1068425919958543&reply_comment_id=1068435386624263¬if_t=feed_comment_reply¬if_id=1502123258695567 Charlotte Webb Mickey, you are probably still young & are learning this horror at an early age. From a 74 y.o .who is just now 'getting it', are some suggestions: 1) Do not have children 2) Enjoy being lazy 3) Do not study in school--look out the window--flirt with the teachers--enjoy truancy as often as possible 3) Do not be achievement oriented & do moot things like go to college or learn a trade 4) NEVER/NEVER work or be gainfully employed--just lollygag in the streets with a beer in one hand & a joint in the other 5) Do not try to own property/house or furniture--an old car is o.k.--something to get you to & from the bars 6) drink booze & smoke pot as often as possible--lots of it. They say wisdom comes with age & we old geezers should share our knowledge, so sweet Mickey I'm starting with you. Now, where did say is the nearest bar?? Cheers!  

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