Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Alex Gentry on what needs to be done to legalize marijuana

Sadly the Safer Arizona inititaive isn't going to give it to you

z_98772.php created September 22, 2018

Source Also see: 1 2 3

Thanks for the comments Alex.

Here is a link to the RAD 2018 initiative to legalize marijuana. It's 100% complete total legalization of marijuana.

Sadly the RAD initiative was demonized by the Safer Arizona gang.

And of course I was kicked off of the Safer Arizona board of directors for complaining that Tom Dean was turning the Safer Arizona initiative into one of these evil things Alex is talking about here.

And of course Safer Arizona has demonized me too.

If you want REAL legalization of marijuana you ain't going to get it from Safer Arizona or Tom Dean. Both seem to support giving the current Arizona legal medical marijuana cartel a second monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana. And of course turning the Arizona legal medical marijuana cartel into the Arizona legal recreational marijuana cartel.


RAD 2018 marijuana initiative


1. The government shall recognize that marijuana abuse is NOT a criminal problem but a medical problem.

2. The government shall NOT tax, regulate, or pass any laws governing the use of marijuana.

3. The government shall NOT assist any other government entities, such as Federal, foreign, world, Native American or state governments in enforcing any laws against marijuana.

4. The government shall NOT pass any regulations discriminating against people or entities that use use marijuana.

5. For this initiative the word marijuana refers to any form of marijuana, cannabis or hemp and includes concentrated forms such as hashish, hash oil, wax and shatter. This includes any form of marijuana used for recreational use, religious use, medical use, commercial use, industrialist use or other use. This includes all parts of any plant of the genus cannabis, whether growing or not, the seeds of such plant, the resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus cannabis; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol. This includes all paraphernalia for marijuana use, such as but not limited to pipes, bongs, cigarette papers or dabbing tools.

6. Any person convicted of any marijuana offense in the past shall automatically have their criminal record cleared for those charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those charges.

7. Any person arrested for any marijuana offense in the past who accepted a plea bargain for reduced charges shall automatically have their criminal record cleared for those reduced charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those reduced charges.

8. The government shall not extradite a person to another state or country if the person could be charged with marijuana crimes which would be legal in Arizona. [This will be deleted in the 2020 RAD initiative because it conflicts with the US Constitution. Odd, the folks at the Arizona legislator reviewed it and considered it Constitutional in their review. But just to be safer it will be removed]

9. Any government employee, agent, elected official, judge, police officer or prosecutor that arrests a person, passes a law or issues a ruling, guideline or edict that that interferes with a person's marijuana use shall be personally and civilly liable to each person for each incident for a minimum of $1 million in damages or 10 times the actual amount of damages whichever is greater. There shall be no immunity to a person who claims to be "acting in good faith" or for any other reason.

10. All government courts shall accept cases involving marijuana use, and decide the case based on the oral, written, or other contracts of the parties involved. Courts may not refuse cases by saying that marijuana is illegal under Federal law, international law, or other laws.

11. The use of marijuana is defined as, but not limited to using, smoking, vaping, eating, consuming, drinking, snorting, transdermal delivery, injecting, sale, transfer, growth, cultivating, manufacture, processing, cooking, production, storage, possession, giving legal advice, transportation, or importation of marijuana.

Alex Gentry

How you can tell the people writing pot laws are just out for money and control. Not in any particular order.

1. High taxation that is touted as a benefit.
2. Expensive licenses that are prohibitive to the majority of society.
3. Limited outlets/bottlenecks.
4. Against home grow being sold.
5. Limits on homegrown/plant counts.
6. Limits on possession for quick turnaround.
7. All these things combined to artificially inflate the price.
8. Felony laws still in place/lack of total decrim.
9. Demand for certain amounts of assets to be held by the interested party.

What other ways do the greedy fucks clog up Freedom with their schemes and tricks?

Alex Gentry on what needs to be done to legalize marijuana - Sadly the Safer Arizona inititaive isn't going to give it to you - z_98772.php

Alex Gentry on what needs to be done to legalize marijuana - Sadly the Safer Arizona inititaive isn't going to give it to you - z_98772.php



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