Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Finally a reasonable initiative to legalize marijuana, besides my RAD initiative.

I suspect the Arizona Libertarian Party used my RAD initiative as a basis for this

z_98727.php created December 07, 2018

Source Also see: 1 2 3 4 5

Holy shit!!! Finally a reasonable initiative to legalize marijuana, besides my RAD initiative.

I suspect that someone in the Arizona Libertarian Party took my RAD initiative and wrote this version.


Reen Bean is with Michael Kielsky.

“If you want to make some noise, try this:

Proposed Amendment to the Constitution by the Initiative Relating to Prohibition of Regulation and Criminalization of Cannabis

OFFICIAL TITLE: Amending Article II of the Arizona Constitution by adding Section 38; Prohibiting the Regulation and Criminalization of Cannabis

DESCRIPTIVE TITLE: The Constitutional Amendment would prohibit the State and each County, City, Town, District, or other political subdivision in Arizona from regulating or criminalizing the possession, use, production, farming, growing, consumption, trade, sale, transportation, of any cannabis; criminal penalties for violations of this right

Arizona Constitution, Article II, Section 38. Right to Cannabis; regulation and criminalization prohibited

Section 38. The right of the people to the possession, use, production, farming, growing, consumption, trade, sale, transportation, of any cannabis or cannabis derivative shall not be infringed, regulated, or taxed. Anyone who attempts to violate this right shall be guilty of a felony, is not protected by any immunity of any kind, and must be punished with imprisonment, loss of office, employment, pension, benefits, and permanently banned from ever holding any office or public employment, to the maximum extent possible.”


I AM WITH THIS! An AZ Constitutional Amendment! Who’s in?!!


Here is a link to the RAD initiative


Initiative to re-legalize Marijuana in Arizona in 2020 C-01-2020 Initiative to re-legalize Marijuana & Hashish in Arizona


100% Complete re-legalization of Marijuana & Hashish

FULL TEXT OF PROPOSITION Be it enacted by the People of the State of Arizona, the Constitution of the State of Arizona is amended BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW ARTICLE to read:

100% complete re-legalization of marijuana & hashish 1. The government shall recognize that marijuana abuse is NOT a criminal problem but a medical problem.

2. The government shall NOT tax, regulate, or pass any laws governing marijuana or marijuana activities.

3. The government shall NOT assist any other government entities, such as Federal, foreign, world, Native American or state governments in enforcing any laws against marijuana.

4. The government shall NOT pass any guide lines, rules, regulations or laws discriminating against people or entities that use marijuana. Such as laws that limit a marijuana user's guns rights or parental rights.

5. Any person convicted of any marijuana offense in the past shall automatically have their criminal record cleared of those charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those charges.

6. Any person arrested for any marijuana offense in the past who accepted a plea bargain for reduced charges shall automatically have their criminal record cleared of those reduced charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those reduced charges.

7. Any government employee, agent, elected official, judge, law enforcement officer or prosecutor that falsely arrests a person, violates a person's rights, passes a law or issues a ruling, guideline or edict that that interferes with a person's marijuana use rights defined here shall be personally and civilly liable to each person for each incident for a minimum of $1 million in damages or 10 times the actual amount of damages whichever is greater. There shall be no immunity to a person who claims to be "acting in good faith" or for any other reason.

8 . All government courts shall accept cases involving marijuana use, and decide the case based on the oral, written, or other contracts of the parties involved. Courts may not refuse cases by saying that marijuana is illegal under Federal law, international law, or other laws.

9. Definitions: For this initiative the word "marijuana" refers to any form of marijuana, cannabis, hashish or hemp and includes concentrated forms such as THC, CBD, hash, hash oil, wax, shatter and all other forms. This includes all parts of any plant of the genus cannabis, whether growing or not, the seeds of such plant, the resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus cannabis; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol. This includes, but will not be limited to; all paraphernalia for marijuana use, such as pipes, bongs, cigarette papers or dabbing tools.

10. "Marijuana activities" shall be defined as; but shall not be limited to: using, smoking, vaping, eating, consuming, drinking, snorting, transdermal delivery, injecting, sale, transfer, growth, cultivating, manufacture, processing, cooking, production, storage, possession, giving legal advice, transportation, or importation of marijuana. This includes any form of "marijuana use": recreational, religious, medical, commercial, industrial or any other use.

This initiative is listed on the Arizona Secretary of State's website at:




And I suspect that most of the people in Safer Arizona who hated the RAD initiative and the parts of the Safer Arizona initiative that were written by me, will hate this initiative because it actually legalizes marijuana.
Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski
Michelle Mushee Westinfield
Alex Gentry
Robert W Clark
Tom Dean
Arizona Gregory
Rain Baker
Eric Johnson
Zachary Ocker
Patricia Pantel
Michelle Mushee Westenfield
Catalina S Vargas
Manuel Chavez III
Mikel Weisser
Vincent Stanley
Deb Staires
Thomas Meadows
But I love it, because it shows my thought process was RIGHT on what has to be done to legalize marijuana the RIGHT way.

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