Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Mexico wants to legalize ALL drugs

President AMLO or Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador wants to legalize ALL Drugs

z_98660.php created May 16, 2019
  I know the Safer Arizona gang hates me because I want to legalize all drugs. You know these hateful folks: Sergeant David Stephen Wisniewski, Michelle Mushee Westinfield, Alex Gentry, Robert W Clark (Tucson), marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean, marijuana criminal defense lawyer Tom Dean, Arizona Gregory, Greg Fox, Gregory Fox, Arizona Gregory, Rain Baker, Eric Johnson, Zachary Ocker, Patricia Pantel, Michelle Mushee Westenfield, Catalina S Vargas, Manuel Chavez III, Defango, Manuel Chavez III, Thomas Meadows, Deb Staires, Vincent Stanley, Stacey Theis, CannaBus, Stacy Shepherd

Hell, marijuana criminal defense attorney Tom Dean and the Safer Arizona gang don't even want to completely legalize marijuana.

After I was kicked off of the Safer Arizona board of directors Tom Dean re-wrote the initiative to include numerous marijuana crimes.

Hey, how is a marijuana criminal defense attorney like Tom Dean supposed to make any money if marijuana is legalized and the cops stop arresting people for victimless marijuana crimes.

I think it's kind of interesting that Mexico's new President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, or AMLO also wants to completely legalize not just marijuana, but ALL drugs.

Sure me, and AMLO disagree on socialism, but I think we see eye to eye on legalizing all drugs.

I included a copy of the RAD all drugs initiative after this article from Newsweek.

Same for the wimpy RAD marijuana initiative.




Mexico’s president released a new plan last week that called for radical reform to the nation’s drug laws and negotiating with the United States to take similar steps.

The plan put forward by the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, often referred to by his initials as AMLO, calls for decriminalizing illegal drugs and transferring funding for combating the illicit substances to pay for treatment programs instead. It points to the failure of the decades-long international war on drugs, and calls for negotiating with the international community, and specifically the U.S., to ensure the new strategy’s success.

“The ‘war on drugs’ has escalated the public health problem posed by currently banned substances to a public safety crisis,” the policy proposal, which came as part of AMLO’s National Development Plan for 2019-2024, read. Mexico’s current “prohibitionist strategy is unsustainable,” it argued.

Mexico, decriminalize, drugs, negotiate, US

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador delivers a speech at the Santa Lucia Air Force Base in Zumpango, near Mexico City, on April 29. The plan put forward by the president’s administration calls for decriminalizing illegal drugs and transferring funding for combating the illicit substances to pay for treatment programs instead.

The document says that ending prohibition is “the only real possibility” to address the problem. “This should be pursued in a negotiated manner, both in the bilateral relationship with the United States and in the multilateral sphere, within the [United Nations] U.N.,” it explained.

Drug reform advocates have welcomed AMLO’s plan. Steve Hawkins, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, told Newsweek that the Mexican president’s plan “reflects a shift in thinking on drug policy that is taking place around the world, including here in the U.S.”

“The war on drugs has been extremely costly, not just in terms of government resources, but also human lives, and it has failed to accomplish its objective,” he explained. “Prohibition policies have, by and large, caused more harm to people and communities than the drugs they were intended to eliminate, and they haven’t come anywhere close to eliminating the supply or the demand.”

Last October, the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), a global coalition of 170 nongovernmental organizations working on drug policy issues, released a report that highlighted the “spectacular” failure and global increase in violence that has been caused by the war on drugs. Instead of curbing the problem, “consumption and illegal trafficking of drugs have reached record levels,” Helen Clark, former prime minister of New Zealand and a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, wrote in the document’s foreword.

The IDPC report found that there had been a 145 percent increase in drug-related deaths over the previous 10 years. The number of deaths reached an estimated 450,000 in 2015 alone. Drug overdose deaths have also skyrocketed, with 71,000 overdose deaths in the U.S. alone in 2017. Additionally, one in five prisoners globally are incarcerated due to drug-related crimes, often for simply possessing cannabis or other illicit substances.

“Mexico’s president is rightly identifying one of the major drivers of violence and corruption in his country: the prohibition of drugs,” Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno, the executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, a nonprofit that advocates for ending the war on drugs, said in an emailed statement to Newsweek. “The next step is to translate words into action, by pursuing both a domestic and international agenda of drug policy reform, grounded in respect for human rights.”

AMLO’s policy plan shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Mexican voters. During his campaign and after winning election, he has consistently called for major reforms to his country’s prohibition on drugs. Mexico’s Supreme Court also issued its fifth ruling on cannabis prohibition at the end of last October, determining that punishing people for using the drug violated the constitution. Mexican lawmakers have since worked to push forward legislation to regulate the use of recreational mairijuana.

“More and more countries are developing programs for regulating cannabis for medical and adult use, and there is a growing sentiment that drug use should be treated more like a public health matter than a criminal justice issue,” Hawkins told Newsweek .

Canada became the first major major economic power to legalize and regulate the sale of recreational cannabis last year. With Canada’s decision to legalize and Mexico pushing to decriminalize all drugs, the U.S. may soon find itself isolated by its neighbors when it comes to drug policy. Although 10 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized recreational marijuana, and more than 30 have legalized some form of cannabis for medicinal use, it remains classified as a Schedule 1 illegal drug by the federal government.

Polls have shown that legalizing marijuana nationwide enjoys bipartisan support. Republicans and Democrats have come together in Congress to support legalization as well as protecting states that have already legalized at the local level. President Donald Trump has previously suggested he is supportive of easing laws surrounding marijuana, although his administration has given mixed messages.

Attorney General William Barr said last month during testimony before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee that he would "still favor one uniform federal rule against marijuana." However, he added that he thought the "way to go is to permit a more federal approach so states can, you know, make their own decisions within the framework of the federal law."

Decriminalizing all drugs is not a perspective that is widely advocated or discussed in Washington. This week though, Denver became the first city in the country to pass a ballot measure to fully decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms, commonly known as magic mushrooms or simply shrooms.

“The vote [in Denver] shows again that the public is ahead of politicians on drug law reform—and shows the power and potential of public action in demanding it!,” the drug policy foundation Transform said in an email to supporters.

How the U.S. would respond to AMLO’s plan remains to be seen. Globally, however, it’s clear the conversation around drugs has shifted. Countries from Uruguay to South Africa to Georgia to Thailand have been reforming their drug laws, specifically when it comes to cannabis. Meanwhile, momentum has increased in the past few years within the U.S. as state after state has pushed through medical or recreational marijuana legalization.

Congressman Earl Blumenauer, a Democrat from Oregon, who co-founded the bipartisan Congressional Cannabis Caucus in 2017, told Newsweek last summer that he envisions marijuana will soon be traded across North American borders. “In the course of the next decade, I think there will be a North American cannabis market,” he said. If AMLO’s plan succeeds, that cross-border cannabis market could more likely come to fruition.

“Governments are increasingly finding they can neither justify nor afford maintaining the war on drugs,” Hawkins pointed out. “Leaders are looking for exit strategies, as we are now seeing in Mexico."



Initiative to re-legalize all drugs including marijuana, heroin, cocaine, LSD and peyote in Arizona in 2020 C-02-2020

Initiative to re-legalize all drugs including marijuana, hashish, heroin, cocaine & peyote in Arizona


100% re-legalization of all drugs including marijuana, hashish, heroin, cocaine, LSD & peyote


Be it enacted by the People of the State of Arizona, the Constitution of the State of Arizona is amended BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW ARTICLE to read:

Complete re-legalization of all drugs including marijuana, hashish, heroin, cocaine, LSD and peyote

1. The government shall recognize that drug abuse is NOT a criminal problem but a medical problem.

2. The government shall NOT tax, regulate, or pass any laws governing drugs or the use of drugs.

3. The government shall NOT assist any other government entities, such as Federal, foreign, world, Native American or state governments in enforcing any laws against drugs.

4. The government shall NOT pass any guide lines, rules, regulations or laws discriminating against people or entities that use drugs. Such as laws that limit a drug user's guns rights or parental rights.

5. Any person convicted of any drug offense in the past shall automatically have their criminal record cleared of those charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those charges.

6. Any person arrested for any drug offense in the past who accepted a plea bargain for reduced charges shall automatically have their criminal record cleared of those reduced charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those reduced charges.

7. Any government employee, agent, elected official, judge, law enforcement officer or prosecutor that falsely arrests a person, violates a person's rights, passes a law or issues a ruling, guideline or edict that that interferes with a person's drug use rights defined here shall be personally and civilly liable to each person for each incident for a minimum of million in damages or 10 times the actual amount of damages whichever is greater. There shall be no immunity to a person who claims to be "acting in good faith" or for any other reason.

8 . All government courts shall accept cases involving drug use, and decide the case based on the oral, written, or other contracts of the parties involved. Courts may not refuse cases by saying that drugs are illegal under Federal law, international law, or other laws.

9. Definitions: For this initiative the word "drug" or "drugs" refers to any, chemical, drug, prescription drug, over the counter drug, narcotic, plant which is used as a drug such as marijuana, cannabis, hemp, peyote, coco, tobacco, or opium; any chemical used to manufacturer a drug or narcotic; spice or other forms of fake or synthetic marijuana, hashish, marijuana, THC, CBD, heroin, morphine, opium, oxycodone, fentanyl, cocaine, codeine, PCP, phencyclidine, LSD, DMT, methamphetamine, amphetamine, lysergic acid diethylamide, mescaline, psilocybin, nicotine, alcohol, ethyl alcohol, ethanol alcohol, steroids or anabolic steroids, concentrated forms of drugs such as wax, hash oil, shatter, all other drugs including, but not limited to all drugs which are illegal under Arizona, federal or international laws. This includes, but shall not be limited to; paraphernalia and equipment for drug use, such as pipes, bongs, cigarette papers, syringes, needles or dabbing tools.

10. "Drug use" shall be defined as; but shall not be limited to: using, smoking, vaping, eating, consuming, drinking, snorting, transdermal delivery, injecting, sale, transfer, growth, cultivating, manufacture, processing, cooking, production, storage, possession, giving legal advice, transportation, or importation of any drug, or drug use for medical, recreational, commercial, industrial, religious or other uses.



Initiative to re-legalize Marijuana in Arizona in 2020 C-01-2020


100% Complete re-legalization of Marijuana & Hashish


Be it enacted by the People of the State of Arizona, the Constitution of the State of Arizona is amended BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW ARTICLE to read:

100% complete re-legalization of marijuana & hashish

1. The government shall recognize that marijuana abuse is NOT a criminal problem but a medical problem.

2. The government shall NOT tax, regulate, or pass any laws governing marijuana or marijuana activities.

3. The government shall NOT assist any other government entities, such as Federal, foreign, world, Native American or state governments in enforcing any laws against marijuana.

4. The government shall NOT pass any guide lines, rules, regulations or laws discriminating against people or entities that use marijuana. Such as laws that limit a marijuana user's guns rights or parental rights.

5. Any person convicted of any marijuana offense in the past shall automatically have their criminal record cleared of those charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those charges.

6. Any person arrested for any marijuana offense in the past who accepted a plea bargain for reduced charges shall automatically have their criminal record cleared of those reduced charges and automatically receive a full pardon for those reduced charges.

7. Any government employee, agent, elected official, judge, law enforcement officer or prosecutor that falsely arrests a person, violates a person's rights, passes a law or issues a ruling, guideline or edict that that interferes with a person's marijuana use rights defined here shall be personally and civilly liable to each person for each incident for a minimum of million in damages or 10 times the actual amount of damages whichever is greater. There shall be no immunity to a person who claims to be "acting in good faith" or for any other reason.

8 . All government courts shall accept cases involving marijuana use, and decide the case based on the oral, written, or other contracts of the parties involved. Courts may not refuse cases by saying that marijuana is illegal under Federal law, international law, or other laws.

9. Definitions: For this initiative the word "marijuana" refers to any form of marijuana, cannabis, hashish or hemp and includes concentrated forms such as THC, CBD, hash, hash oil, wax, shatter and all other forms. This includes all parts of any plant of the genus cannabis, whether growing or not, the seeds of such plant, the resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus cannabis; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol. This includes, but will not be limited to; all paraphernalia for marijuana use, such as pipes, bongs, cigarette papers or dabbing tools.

10. "Marijuana activities" shall be defined as; but shall not be limited to: using, smoking, vaping, eating, consuming, drinking, snorting, transdermal delivery, injecting, sale, transfer, growth, cultivating, manufacture, processing, cooking, production, storage, possession, giving legal advice, transportation, or importation of marijuana. This includes any form of "marijuana use": recreational, religious, medical, commercial, industrial or any other use.




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