Homeless in Arizona

Complain to Bar and BBB about Christopher Hamilton Reed and Marc Victor

I paid Christopher Hamilton Reed $2,000 and he didn't do anything for me



I should also complain to the Arizona Bar and Better Business Bureau about Christopher Hamilton Reed when I complain about Marc Victor.

Back when I had a lot of money and was working I gave Christopher Hamilton Reed at least $2,000 to file a lawsuit against the city of Tempe saying that the messy yard laws were unconstitutional.

At the time this happened Christopher Hamilton Reed has an office in one of those towers in Phoenix near Central and Osborn Road.

While Christopher Hamilton Reed took my money and agreed to file a lawsuit for me, he never filed a lawsuit against the city of Tempe. When I complained about it he called me a criminal.

I suspect that was just a lame excuse to justify his stealing my money, and not the fact that I was a messy yard criminal who had hired him to get the city of Tempe's messy yard laws declared unconstitutional.

Sadly all of the lawyers I have dealt with, with the exception of one seem to be sleeze bag criminals.

The one lawyer that didn't screw me was named something like Girty Mcloud.

I hired her to evict some people who rented my Phoenix home and stopped paying me the rent.

She only charged me $100 and did all the work for me. I didn't even have to go to court.

Some other lawyers I have had problems with are:

  • Marc Victor
  • Mark Hall
  • Gary Peter Klahr
  • Tom Dean
  • The jerk on Pat Schwinds Stratic Edge web page
  • Christopher Hamilton Reed
  • Steve Twist
  • Robert Corbin or Bob Corbin

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